A room really can change your mood - the psychology of a good space

At Person Centred Psychology we hold our clients and staff at the centre of our decisions. Two of our central areas of focus in making psychology accessible to everyone and providing our team with a great working environment. We therefore selected our first home based on the number of trams that stopped right out the front, at the time a reasonable amount of parking, and an environment that felt warm, cosy, and homely for therapy to occur. It served us well, however like all good things as we’ve aged, we have evolved and are ready for some exciting growth.

 While we loved our St Kilda Road offices, we also were aware of some things it lacked, and turned to the research (as we tend to do) to consider what sort of space might work next…

Have you ever been in a waiting room, an office, building or any kind of space that enlivened you or made you feel easily relaxed? Or one that made you feel as if you wanted to escape? Well you are not alone. Research suggests that our surroundings have a serious impact on mood and motivation. Meeting human needs in the spaces we design is paramount, according to cutting edge experts in these fields. When form follows function and function includes visceral and emotional needs, people flourish.

 It is important to us at Person Centred Psychology, that our space allows people to feel free and open to talk. The Psychology of Architecture, industrial psychologist Cristina Banks, was emphatic about the power of design to conjure well-being. She said that if the built environment meets eight human needs — physical vitality, equity, connection, safety, flexibility, predictability, comfort and privacy — people are productive, happy and healthy. Spaces that stimulate conversation with others but also facilitate solitude bring out the best. Banks explained that whatever one’s role in the office, when all players have access to private space, wellness is preserved. Our exciting new space offers many benefits including two offices which are easily accessible for prams and wheelchairs; a group space for therapy, training, or staff to sit and chat; excellent parking as well as continued public transport access; as well as importantly much better access to great coffee, food, and wine. 

 In setting up our new space to best meet your needs we have consulted with top end sound proofing services so we can both protect your privacy while allowing natural light to exist throughout the building. We have chosen chairs that will be comfortable for everybody, and gone with neutral colours that our clinicians can add their personal touches to. Excitingly we are moving closer to four of our favourite referring GP practices. Further, we have already made wonderful connections with local allied health providers to ensure we have great referral pathways for you. Our community matches our space, and is carefully architectures to promote your well-being. 

 The psychology of a good space is equally important at home. It doesn’t take much, and certainly doesn’t need to be expensive. We encourage you when creating your own spaces, whether home or office think about adding elements that make you feel good! A splash of colour, an indoor plant, or something soft and cosy can make a world of difference to how you feel in your space.

 We look forward to welcoming you to ours.

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