Unhappy digestive system? Let’s talk about the less glamourous side of dieting – constipation or diarrhoea!

Medications list possible side effects, but diets don’t. We are here to talk to you about one of the less discussed side effects of restricting your intake. Let's talk everything bowels; there are 1001 diets promising they’re 'different’ and that they are going to change your world (body) with none of the negative consequences every diet before them delivered. Unfortunately, this is often not the case.

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Are You Caught in an Avoidance Cycle?

Many of us avoid tasks from time to time. We may avoid our tax returns, booking a dentist appointment, deep cleaning our oven or having an uncomfortable conversation. We tend to avoid these situations due to the uncomfortable feelings they elicit. We subsequently ‘solve’ the problem of sitting with uncomfortable feelings by distracting ourselves with mindless activities that serve no benefit or are even detrimental.

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Boys Don't Cry; Masculinity & Mental Health

The relationship between gender and mental health is complex and intriguing. For example, research consistently reflects a gender difference in terms of suicide rates. Statistics reflect that Australian males are three times more likely to die by suicide than females and account for…

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Desire - What Turns It On.... And Off!?

In her previous blog Clinical Psychologist Ashley Depasquale discussed libido, or sexual desire in broad terms and discussed how ones health, relationships, and environment might contribute to spontaneous and responsive desire. Below, she digs a little deeper in to individual factors that may contribute to understanding what turns you on, and off.

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